Stefan Sango - Community Transport Waltham Forest

Case Study - Stefan Sango

The Community Transport Waltham Forest (CTWF) Connection

Stefan joined CTWF not long after having left formal education and searching for the right fit to progress his desired career goals. Originally hired to serve as a Passenger Assistant fate worked its charm and after four weeks in a Passenger Assistant role the opportunity arose in our organisation to allow him to serve as a driver. This experience as a driver drove Stefan’s ambition to formally progress his desire to be a professional driver and after 12 months of driving with us he decided to pursue his D1 qualification which would allow him to diversify the class of vehicles he would be eligible to drive.

Upon successful completion of his D1 entitlement Stefan, based on his previous performance, was immediately upgraded to a higher class vehicle and continues to make a valuable contribution in his role with Community Transport. What’s next for the ambitious young man?

He says, “I have gained so much from being with Community Transport and truly appreciate the opportunities I have accessed; however, my next aim is to be on the red buses. Hopefully with a few more months experience at CTWF I will be ready to begin a new path serving the wider London public.”

UPDATE!!! As of 9th May 2016 Stefan is officially ‘on the red buses’!! This dedicated young man achieved his goal and can be seen driving along the city’s road network serving the general public. During his training period with his current company the trainer commented on his driving skills and said that it was apparent his time with CTWF served him well in prepping for the bigger buses’


Joined Community Transport Waltham Forest: February 2014

Left Community Transport Waltham Forest: 29th April 2016

CTWF Training: MiDAS Certificate (Standard & Accessible), PATS certificate, First Aid Training, Emergency Evacuation, Manual Handling.

Current Employment Status:Bus Driver with Stagecoach