Case Study - Charlotte Boamah-Daapah
Charlotte is the proud mother of three who harboured a great desire to learn to drive buses, an interest gained whilst doing a work placement at a Bus Depot cleaning vehicles. Charlotte came across our training school way back in 2011 and funded her MIDAS training herself. Not long after her training a vacancy arose at Community Transport Waltham Forest for a regular driver for a Day Care Service.
The Community Transport Waltham Forest (CTWF) Connection
Charlotte joined Community Transport Waltham Forest in the role of Day Service Driver with a determination to build her confidence and gain both customer relations experience and on the road experience driving our legendary green LDV . It was a match made in heaven and even in its last days Charlotte continued to drive “her bus”. In March 2014 Charlotte advised us that she felt ready to seek training on the large vehicles. After successfully completing her training Charlotte has completed her journey to reach her initial goal of driving a big red bus.
Joined Community Transport Waltham Forest: 2009
Left Community Transport Waltham Forest: 2014
CTWF Training: MiDAS Certificate (Standard & Accessible), PATS certificate, First Aid Training, Emergency Evacuation, Manual Handling.
Current Employment Status:London Bus Driver